1ro Khítshù Studio
一樓起厝 工作室

自從定居德國後,Iro 成為毅柔名字的簡化版發音。「起厝」一詞源自台語,意為「蓋房子」。毅柔受 Bauhaus(包浩斯)概念啟發,結合 Bau(建造)與 Haus(房子)的字根,巧妙地為自己的工作室取名。
工作室以「我 / 建造」為核心理念,將視覺藝術與表演藝術融合,創造出多元的空間與身體感受。每個項目都致力於發展與觀眾互動方式的觀展方式,挑戰人們對空間的感知與反應。
Since settling in Germany, "Iro" has become the simplified version of Yi-Jou’s name. The term "Iro-kíhtsú," derived from Taiwanese, means "building a house." Drawing inspiration from the German Bauhaus, which merges "Bau" (building) and "Haus" (house), Yi-Jou creatively applied this concept to name their personal studio.
At the heart of the studio is the idea of "I / building," where visual art and performing art intersect to craft immersive spatial and bodily experiences. Each project is designed to push the boundaries of how audiences engage with and respond to the space around them.